Funded members are those that have received funding from the pooled fund for projects in line with the strategic framework and are categorised by lever. Below, you will find a profile of all the funded projects; the lead organisation and members involved; a short description of the project; duration and amount, and to which lever they are contributing.
To connect and learn, you can filter the projects by lever of change (finance, retail or sub-national action), including cross-cutting levers such as narrative shift, engagement with the health sector or strategic litigation.
A dozen European and international foundations, with interests spanning health, climate, animal welfare, just transitions and biodiversity, have contributed to supporting the movement since we started in 2020. Some funders have both contributed to the pooled fund and devoted staff time to the HFHP co-creation process, while others have provided funding. Between 2020 and 2022, contributors to the pooled fund have included the Welcome Trust, Oak Foundation and ClimateWorks Foundation.
As of 2023, a new Swiss Foundation, Fourfold Stiftung, joined the pooled fund to support HFHP’s work.In addition to those contributing to the pooled fund, there are foundations whose funding is aligned with the strategic framework. We call them aligned funders, and they include the European Climate Foundation and the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation.
We are also working closely with other funder networks such as European Foundations for Sustainable Agriculture and Food to coordinate our efforts, geared at transforming Europe’s food and agriculture systems.
The total funding available for HFHP in 2022 was approximately €2.9 million, which was for grant-making, (un-)learning and movement-building. On top of this, there was a similar amount in aligned funding as per the visual. As of 2023, around €1.9 million is available while fundraising efforts are underway. Of the latter, €1.24 was set aside for grants, with a particular focus on achieving impact in the retail space.
If you are a funder interested in contributing, please fill in the form below and our Fund Manager will get in touch with you.