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Bike of Bees, September 2022
Saskia Richartz

We're building a fair, green and ethical food system

Healthy Food Healthy Planet (HFHP) catalyses a movement of changemakers by focusing on building connections, trust and collaboration across sectors, actors and issues to transform food environments. We resource civil society organisations based in Europe, and support collaboration and alliance building for a future where healthy, just, and sustainable diets are the norm and the food we eat doesn’t cost the earth.  

Collaboration is at the heart of what we do

Movement building

We unite animal welfare, food justice, health organisations, farmers, and workers associations to build alliances with compassion and curiosity. We convene and support the network to co-create ideas, set the direction of travel, and act collectively through projects and collaborations. We work together to identify common challenges, amplify voices and build capacity for system change and maximise our collective impact.


We place a strong focus on learning-by-doing and experimentation in everything we do. Our Learning framework embraces complexity, encourages deep reflection, explores system change and increases the flow of information and learning through the network. This helps scale advocacy efforts, embrace mistakes, and catalyse system change through continuous learning and adaptation.

The Pooled Fund

We direct resources flexibly, according to the strategy and direction co-created with our civil society partners. Our grants are strategic, pragmatic and additive. They support collaboration, not competition, helping organisations learn and work together. We strive to make our funding process more participatory and driven by those directly involved in transforming the food system.
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Our principles

We believe everyone has the right to access and eat healthy, just and sustainable foods. 
We acknowledge that only a pluralist, participatory and powerful movement can generate the necessary system change. This can only happen by working and learning together in a joint strategy across siloes and issue areas. 
We want a world with predominantly, healthy, just and sustainable plant-based food and an end to harmful (animal) farming.
We acknowledge that Europe is both responsible and influential in modelling food systems. It has the responsibility to avoid negative impacts elsewhere as part of international solidarity. 
We focus on the transformative change of food environments in collaboration with a diversity of local communities.
We uphold dignity for everyone involved in the food web. For us to succeed, justice is required for all living beings and is at the core of all our work.  
We support transparency, solidarity and compassion between all actors in the movement and with other stakeholders involved.
We create and share knowledge and resources to build a body of political, investor and business champions to align food environments within planetary boundaries. 

We act to radically transform our food environments so that accessible, just, healthy and sustainable food (with a majority of plant-based foods) is the norm and harmful agriculture ends. We support each other, share learnings, expertise and campaign together. Together our impact is more powerful and inevitable.


Coordination team

The Coordination team connects and strengthens all HFHP constituencies to drive our collective impact.  The team works closely with our civil society network and the Kitchen Table to set our strategy and priorities, support collective action, enhance learning, and grow the pooled fund.

The Social Change Nest team provides administrative and infrastructure support to HFHP. They are our fiscal host.


Since2020, HFHP has been backed by funders across the globe, specialising in health, climate change and biodiversity. Funders participate in HFHP in two ways. Some funders contribute to the HFHP Pooled Fund, others devote staff time to participate in our co-creation processes –these incredible organisations offer invaluable financial support and crucial expertise. Currently, key contributors to the HFHP Pooled Fund include Oak Foundation, ClimateWorks Foundation, Seedling Foundation and Four Fold Foundation

Funded members

Funded partners receive support from the pooled fund for projects aligned with the strategic framework, categorised by lever. Projects can be filtered by lever (finance, retail, sub-national action), including cross-cutting levers like narrative shift or strategic litigation.

Explore our projects

Career opportunities

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