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Levers of Change

Sub-national Action

Photo Credit

Spring Forum 2021
Iris Maertens

Many sub-national governments and municipalities, although increasingly ambitious with climate change-related policies, have not yet optimised the link between climate change, health, job-creation and food policies. As such, they are not matching their purchasing power with their political power to leverage change across borders.

This is due to many reasons, as was identied in the strategic framework, co-created in 2021. There is a lack of awareness of the kind of policies needed and the co-benefits such measures could deliver. There is a fear of being labelled as radicals. Or the councils' pace for change is (perceived as) too slow, or the influence wielded by agribusiness seen as too big. Or, the belief that local actions might not make a difference.

All of this results in a lack of initiative, imagination and infrastructure around healthy, just and sustainable food at a subnational or municipal level.

This Lever of Change wants to change that.

Our dream

Is a world where communities speak up, and their local councils and cities work together with diverse actors to build healthy, just and sustainable food environments.

This can be done by convening stakeholders, creating shared infrastructure, stimulating markets for healthy foods through procurement policy changes, promoting (or not!) communication campaigns, and providing financial and logistical support to subnational actors to promote healthy food initiatives and nurture local food producers.

Local councils and cities should serve as hubs to connect sustainable producers with local people, actively promote sustainable nutrition, and foster healthy food cultures together. They should use their advocacy power to pressure political parties, national governments and the EU to transform the food system.

We want to support creating that groundswell, connecting the islands of excellence across Europe.

Watch the animation to show how !


Below you can find the funded projects that are working on changing the status quo at sub-national level. Click on the profile to find out more.



A campaign to accelerate ‘radical’ food system's transitions in local areas across France through a national alliance of local areas and national organisations, civil society, local authorities, businesses and academia.
Sub-national Action
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Aktion Agrar

Aktion Agrar

A project supporting the campaigns of an activist network of mainly young people that are working to change and put pressure on agriculture corporations.
Sub-national Action
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Amigues de la Terra València

Amigues de la Terra València

This micro-grant will mainly support the implementation of a protocol to measure the quantity of nitrates in the water sources near big factory farms in the region and the presentation of the results to decision makers and the public.
Sub-national Action
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Food Voices Coalition

Food Voices Coalition

Feedback EU and its partners join forces in a project that will amplify the voices of citizens in six European countries via a coordinated campaign based on citizens' concerns and demands towards retailers and policy makers in promoting healthy, sustainable, and just food environments
Sub-national Action
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ICLEI European Secretariat

ICLEI European Secretariat

The Buy Better Campaign aims to catalyse the attention, both at the national and European level, on Public Food Procurement as a driver of change by amplifying the actions of local and regional stakeholders. This should build the case for mandatory criteria and implementation strategies as part of the new European policy framework.
Narrative Shift
Sub-national Action
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PKE Gliwice

PKE Gliwice

The aim of the campaign is to protect the environment by curbing the growth of industrial livestock production
Sub-national Action
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Swedish Food and Environment Information

Swedish Food and Environment Information

This campaign aims to ensure that the city of Stockholm stays within the planetary boundaries when it comes to its municipal food services.
Sub-national Action
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How to get involved

For each of the three key levers, we have established a Community of Practice on The Hive, our online space powered by Mighty Networks.

If you or your organisation wants to get involved, please click on the relevant honeycomb and complete the relevant information. The Coordination Team will get in touch with you to walk you through the process.

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