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Friederike von Giercke

Engaging with the health sector & testing of healthy food campaigning activities in Germany

Since 2017, KLUG is a trusted science-based and action-driven advocate for the health sector action on climate. As an alliance of health professionals and organisations - including not-for-profit health insurers, hospitals, and physicians’ associations - it resorts to a wide network of experts, partners, and supporters.

In 2019, the German health sector engagement on climate action strongly increased. Indeed, Germany has seen a growing readiness of health actors to become active in sustainable nutrition, specifically, in promoting the reduction of animal-sourced food among the population, for which the climate crisis has been a powerful motivator. However, experience within the German health sector in campaigning for animal-sourced food reduction is lacking, as well as an understanding of the complex dynamics of the food systems.

KLUG has therefore joined forced with Wir Haben Es Satt, a German coalition campaigning for food system transformation and the Physicians Association for Nutrition to co-create innovative campaigning activities. The project aims to speed up the food system sustainability transformation in Germany and Europe by engaging health actors in campaigns and in the public discourse, for the reduction of animal-sourced foods. Joint experimenting, reflecting, and sharing learnings are key elements to shape dominant narratives and change social norms around animal-sourced foods. HFHP grant is enabling to scale up the coordination and campaigning capacity.

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KLUG (German Alliance on Climate Change & Health)
24 months
June 2022 - August 2024

Key Partners