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Le système alimentaire a été brisé au profit de quelques-uns

Recréons-en un pour nous tous

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The food system has been broken to benefit the few

Let’s recreate one for us all

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Ons voedselsysteem is gebroken door en voor enkelen aan de top

Laten we er een creëren voor ons allemaal

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El sistema alimentario se ha roto para beneficiar a unos pocos

Recreémos uno para todos nosotros

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Das Ernährungssystem wurde zugunsten der Wenigen zerstört

Lassen Sie uns eine für uns alle neu erstellen

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Il sistema agroalimentare è stato fatto a pezzi a beneficio di pochi

Ricreiamone uno a beneficio di tutti

Join Our Movement
The food system has been broken to benefit the few

Let’s recreate one for us all

Join Our Movement

Photo Credit

Norma Nardi

We unite civil society and funders for a transition to healthy, just & sustainable foods, starting in Europe

Where there’s brokenness,
we heal

Where there’s division,
we create solidarity

Where there’s monotony,
we nourish diversity

Where there’s exploitation,
we uphold dignity

Together for system change

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Building the Hive

We focus on what unites us.

We bring together environmental, food justice, health and animal welfare organisations, farmers and worker's associations, to weave alliances through compassionate curiosity.

We envision HFHP as a beehive, where movement building, (un)learning and grant making are the foundational honeycombs.

We are working towards a food future where everyone is able to eat healthy, just and sustainable diets -mainly plant-based. In this future, foods are produced in ways that regenerate ecosystems, protect workers’ rights, and uphold animal well-being.

To get there, we are transforming food environments: the structures, spaces and systems which shape our food choices. Food environments are complex, so we are currently focusing on three key entry points, our levers of change.

We use tools and approaches such as strategic litigation, narrative change, and engagement with the health sector.