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Le système alimentaire a été brisé au profit de quelques-uns

Recréons-en un pour nous tous

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The food system has been broken to benefit the few

Let’s recreate one for us all

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Ons voedselsysteem is gebroken door en voor enkelen aan de top

Laten we er een creëren voor ons allemaal

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El sistema alimentario se ha roto para beneficiar a unos pocos

Recreémos uno para todos nosotros

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Das Ernährungssystem wurde zugunsten der Wenigen zerstört

Lassen Sie uns eine für uns alle neu erstellen

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Il sistema agroalimentare è stato fatto a pezzi a beneficio di pochi

Ricreiamone uno a beneficio di tutti

Join Our Movement
The food system has been broken to benefit the few

Let’s recreate one for us all

Join Our Movement

Photo Credit

Norma Nardi

Together we are stronger, and our impact inevitable

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Calls to Collective Action 2025: apply now

We are distributing up to €2 million in grants for food system changemakers working on collaborative projects. If you are two or more Civil Society Organisations working in Europe to build a healthier, just and sustainable food system - we'd love to hear from you. 

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The story behind our sustainable food movement

Healthy Food Healthy Planet (HFHP) brings together civil society organisations and funders to transform Europe’s food system. We promote healthy, just, sustainable food systems by fostering connections across areas of expertise, convening stakeholders to co-create solutions, and pooling resources including funds, insight and knowledge. Our goal is to foster a movement to transform food environments, regenerate ecosystems, and protect worker and animal rights.

Our levers of change

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Our funders

Since 2020, HFHP has been backed by funders across the globe, specialising in health, climate change and biodiversity. Funders participate in HFHP in two ways. Some funders contribute to the HFHP Pooled Fund, others devote staff time to participate in our co-creation processes –these incredible organisations offer invaluable financial support and crucial expertise. Currently, key contributors to the HFHP Pooled Fund include Oak Foundation, ClimateWorks Foundation, Seedling Foundation and Four Fold Foundation